Martin Howse – Voiced Detection

Workshop Martin Howse – Voiced / Detection – Janvier 2016

« The pick was [then] used to hammer on the surface, and by this means,

the Angle Ditch was discovered. The sound produced by hammering on an excavated part is much deeper than on an undisturbed surface, a circumstance worth knowing when exploring a grass-grown downland, though not applicable to cultivated ground. »

-[Augustus Pitt Rivers. Excavations in Cranborne Chase. Volume IV. 1895]

Sound can be conceived as the expression of material undergoing specific physical stresses. As the earth is tapped with the back of the shovel, or as the cast metals of rail tracks are subjected to immense forces by the wheels of an arriving high speed train, information is revealed concerning the often less than visible strains and molecular interactions of the material world. It’s a strictly epistemological investigation, equally providing forensic material concerning an immaterial, invisible world; material for a certain psychic detective seeking to make sense of the world and give voice to another. Following Pitt Rivers, this sonic archaeology can be summarised as excitation followed by detection.

During the workshop participants will learn to:
– practically stage classical EVP detection experiments (Juergenson, Raudive and beyond)
– build devices to play back and decode surface marks and inscriptions
– make audible fluctuations in laser light and electrochemical reactions
– translate ultrasonic impulses to the audio range
– work with the active construction of electromagnetic emissions


Colloque – Performances – Concerts – Workshops
12 au 16 Novembre 2012


Ryan Jordan, Do It Yourself Hypnosis and Hallucination Machines workshop – Jeudi 15

Yann Gourdon, Résonance (une proposition de Sonic / Yvan Etienne) Du lundi 12 au jeudi 15

Jeudi 15 novembre Projection
18h – Charlemagne Palestine
The Golden Sound (France, 2011, 70’). Un documentaire de la réalisatrice Anne Maregiano en présence de Charlemagne Palestine. Auditorium

Concert Charlemagne Palestine
20h30 (ouverture des portes à 20h)
concert à l’orgue
Cathédrale de Strasbourg

vendredi 16 novembre
Colloque, de 9h45 à 19h :

De 9h45 à 13h – Avec : Charlemagne Palestine – Jean During –
Caterina Pasqualino-Régis – Michel Giroud – Yvan Etienne & Yann Gourdon

De 14h30 à 19h – Avec : Jeremy Narby – Frank Rynne – Rudolf – Margaret Dewys – Julien ottavi – Philippe Lepeut.

Modération : Joachim Montessuis & Philippe Lepeut – Auditorium

Performances, de 20h30 à 01h :

Jean During & Familia – Musique de transe, de dévotion et/ou de guérison du Baloutchistan (Sud Iran Pakistan). Viole sorud, avec accompagnement de luth rythmique.

Yann Gourdon & Yvan Etienne – Le Verdouble : duo de vielle à roue.

Gaël Segalen – Magaio Egregore, projection sonore immersive (8+4 points). Rituel électronique de mise en vortex/transe
du monde sonore des villageois de Nodar (Portugal).

Michel Giroud – Transe Koyote-Gerwulf (fondateur de S.D.F. : Sacrés Secrets Derviches Faucheurs).

Rudolf – Audio art psycho-actif – performance post-post-actionniste autrichienne de kung-fu vocal et bruitiste.

Ryan Jordan – Possession Trance. 4093 synths avec capteurs de lumière attachés à des stroboscopes et machine à fumée.

Snow Crash (Julien ottavi & Joachim Montessuis) – Chanteurs transe modernes & voodoo noise.

Lives étudiants : Camille Lapouge, Paul Boudeau, Kaya Tasman et les étudiants Art Hors format

Dreamachines de Brion Gysin sur place.